Saturday, May 14, 2016

This is a piece of my heart poured out this afternoon.

The Nobody Who Loved.

            So we look at the four gospels. Matthew Mark Luke and John. Four books telling us about the life of this incredible man who claimed to be the Son of God who came not to judge the world but to save it. (Luke19:10, John 3:17 There are many verses but here are two.)
            But you see this man, Jesus, was a no body. Born of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth. Sure he was from the blood line of David, but so were plenty of other men and women. What made him so special? He was born of a virgin, something modern technology can accomplish as well. But that is not the point. The point is this man Jesus was a human. But not any kind of human, he a perfect human. He was God in the flesh. (verse context here.) Let that sink in. Jesus was God, creator of the universe and He made Himself human to walk among His creation. Now he wasn’t here just bopping around taking note of the people around Him. No, He came to earth for this great mission. To save the world!
            Now back track this God of the universe, creator of all life. A great a power God who somehow loves the creation that fights against Him and some downright hate Him and he loves them?!?! Ok, that is just an awesome indescribable concept of God. But back to the point, why in the world. No…WHY in all the universe would God come down as this no body? I mean, really. Why not descend from the heavens, go ahead be in human flesh and go ahead have a something tragic happen. Arise again with this glorious light show of holiness and give this great speech of repent now or else?
            Now one excuse was that Jesus gave the example of being humble. Which is true, but I think the meaning is deeper. Sure being an example of humble is great, but Moses was pretty humble too. Ester was pretty humble too. Many people in the Bible were pretty good examples of humility. Yeah, Jesus was the perfect example of humility but you really think his entire entry and leave in the world was just to show how important humility is? Again humbleness is very good. Very much a lesson the Lord teaches. But there was another even better.
            It was love. Jesus’s entire life is an example of love for His creation. He didn’t come galloping in threateningly. He came with humble and lowly. He came down to be with humanity as a human. (I mean if I was God, I would display my power with lights and thunder and make people submit for their own good. Which is the very reason why I am glad God is God and I am not.)
            God, the ultimate somebody, became a nobody. And Him being in human flesh didn’t stop Him from having the power of God or Himself really. Jesus could call upon angels if He wanted too. He could have looked upon the earth, taking note how filthy we were and snapped us out of existence. And what does this human with supernatural powers start doing? You hope having flaming pillars descend from heaven like He did in the old testament with Moses. At least a burning bush…nope….
            This man healed people. He started healing people. He walked among the poor and useless. He walked to the no bodies and He loved them and He started performing mind blowing miracles. For what reason? Did they pray enough? Did they do enough works (We know this not true by several verses.) Did they look pitiful enough that God decided to show mercy because they looked like a sick puppy enough? Nope…. He loved them. That it. No reason. God just loved His creation.
            I mean this indescribable creator of everything and all things, and for no reason loved His creation that defied and hated Him and He basically said, “Because I love you I am going to die for you.”
            I mean seriously. I am a parent and I love my children, and I do something along the lines of, “Hey, you will get candy after you clean up these toys.” And that’s kinda what a lot of people would probably expect from the creator of everything. (That is sadly what a lot of churches teach today.) Clean up a bit. At least look like you are trying and then maybe God would think about calling ya back about the subject of eternal life.
            Nope. God just gives it you. So Jesus dies and offers salvation. Jesus came to us and even after He left He still comes to us. Filthy rotten sinners are we and God comes to us? Why? Because we were so helpless? (Kinda, but more.) He loved us.
            Why would you create me? Because I love you. Why would you give us this chance after we messed up? Because I love you. Why would you give me this choice? Because I love you. Why would you do anything for us at all the is good and kind when we deserve your wrath? Because I love you….
            How does this not draw anyone to tears? I mean really. This is very definition of real love and hope. I am not saying God doesn’t discipline. But like a parent who disciplines his or her children to not hurt each other or touch a hot stove or run out into the street. God does the same. There are times He does harsh disciplines and other times He lets bad things to happen, but it all comes back to show everyone of a God that loves. A God that poured His life and died to save His creation. I mean that is incredible!
            Anyways as I wipe away tears from my own words. I just want to say. First I am not trying to build a “Teddy Bear in the Sky” god. I am not twisting verses to fit a self-promotion of “All God wants to do is bless you!” meaning a god who only wants to give you stuff if you are good and follow what He asks. Nor am I promoting a god who says, “See? I died for you! You better grovel, obey or else!” Whose only desire is to strike fear into people and force them to their knees because they are worthless worms. (This is not say being on our knees is a bad thing. But we fall to our knees humble, not scared to death we might be put to death the next moment.)
            I am trying to point to the God who loves His creation. Who pours Himself offering Himself to the world. Who takes the beatings of then and even now because He loves His creation. He is with those who are faithful to serve Him and if offering Himself to those who don’t.
            I don’t grovel before God in fear. I tremble and cry because I can’t begin to describe how I feel knowing how I have His undeserved love. How glorious is He that He would love someone like me?
            I don’t pray before God calling for things I need or want for myself or others. (Those things can be good.) But I pray because I am taking and walking and having a relationship with a God who is wondrous and endless.


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