Saturday, September 17, 2016

Kindness in Kindly Way

I lobe buying flowers for my children to give out. It is something that I feel teaches them an important values. It teaches generosity and kindness. The art of giving time, our effort, our skills. It teaches them to look at people as someone rather than a body in motion in just passing glance.

I feel kindness today has taken a sad turn. Kindness is letting the car get in front of you. It participating in the pay it forward in the Starbucks line. It is the tossing of your change in the tip bucket and its typing out "Happy Birthday" on their social media wall. 

Yet it is very disconnected. It requires hardly any action from you. Not to say these gestures are not good. They are wonderful. And these small gestures like tiny treasures given out. However, within us all we have wealth, bestowed from the graces and God. All this wondrous skills, time and energy and we feel like we need to hoard it. 

Yet genuine, raw and vulnerable kindness is often not what we would expect. It the unlikely person who takes a moment to listen to another stories. Its people who hold traffic to offer a prayer and a few dollars to homeless man. It is the person who decides fighting over bathroom rights is not worth arguing about because you love the other person. It is a marine who carries his little niece's drawings around and sharing them with his buddies. 

It it the weirdo of a mother who allows her kids to chase people down in the store to give flowers away. 

Its taking moments to not just give a little, but to give yourself away. 

I hate the quote "Don't cross oceans for someone who won't cross a puddle for you."

Maybe that is just what the world needs. Like when Jesus crossed all of heaven and earth and death for His creation, maybe that is just what we need to do. Cross oceans, give it all. Take a moment to create and give more moments, because sometimes that is all we have left.

Just my thought in the moment.

God Bless
